Monday night, Jordan , Cathy, Mikalya and I were watching 'Chowder'. It is a brilliant kids show (on Cartoon Network here in the US). It is about a young lad ( looks like a beaver-cat-bear hybrid - see graphic ) called Chowder, who loves food and wants to be a chef. His mentor, named Mung Daal in this episode takes him to the 'Apprentice Games' - tricking him into it.
When Chowder discovers that Mung Daal has tricked him , he flips out and tries to run. Then Mung Daal bribes him with his favourite food - Thrice Cream ( all the food items in this show are made up, however , all the characters have food items for names - figure that out!)
Anyway, once Chowder sees this, he runs all over the place screaming "ULTIMATE THRICE CREAM!! ULTIMATE THRICE CREAM!!!"
Yesterday , (Tuesday) I had my lunch at work like I normally do. It was some meat and cheese ends ( you know the stuff that is left over at the deli and they sell it for a discount?)
I made my sandwiches , some cheese, Gulden's Mustard and some turkey. It was good...
About 15 some minutes later, I was sitting at my desk. I turned my head suddenly and I felt dizzy - extremely dizzy. Wow....
Within another 5 minutes, the dizziness was so bad that I couldn't even sit up in my chair. I started to feel really , REALLY nauseous. Holy shit...what was happening?? Medication? Anxiety??
I got up off of my chair and staggered to the bathroom, hoping and praying (yes, me, praying!) that there was an empty stall. Oh yes! In I went. I sat down, feeling more and more worse by the second. Sweat was pouring off of my face and down my back ....what the hell was wrong with me?? Ullp!!! I stood up, and out it came - puke, barf, emesis, spew, vomit, hurl, whatever you want to call it. Then it hit me....
So, goes the saga - barf, dizzy, barf , dizzy, barf , dizzy - staggered to my car and started it. Cranked the A/C on. Holy shit....don't panic - you are going to puke this all out. If it was really severe you wouldn't have been able to walk to the car. Relax. Just drive yourself home.
Luckily I grabbed some water on the way out - sipped that as I drove. I finally worked up enough courage to call Cathy. By that time, I pulled over right near the Massachusetts / New Hampshire border.
"Oh !! SHIT!!! HANG ON!!" , I told her - threw my phone down on the passenger seat and quickly opened the door - it begins , and continues, and continues....you get the idea.
Anyway, going through my head, once I figured out what the hell was wrong with me, was 'Chowder' screaming "ULTIMATE THRICE CREAM!! ULTIMATE THRICE CREAM!!!" - maybe a coping skill of mine. Strange – ever since I was a kid, when I was stressed , I would repeat something over and over. Jordan does that and he is autistic – I guess now we really know , right??
So, a lesson to be learned here. Cathy is ALWAYS telling me to check the dates on things. My Scottish heritage takes over and "...maybe I can chance it...I can't waste this ....it cost me...." I think it may be time for me to take a second look at my priorities.
Needless to say, I threw the cheese and turkey away today when I got to work.
Peace all - one more step to vegetarianism I think.