Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"...holy toe hurts..."

Well, ingrown toenails hurt like a sum-bitch. Just ask my wife Cathy. For about a month now, she has been nursing this thing for about a month now. I guess the best way to deal with pain in think about a happy-place (note photo - cottage we stayed at in Jacksonville Beach FL). I have had a few minor ingrowns in my life, but not like hers..

I don't really want to talk about ingrown toenails. I want to talk about a friend. I don't want to mention names, but she did a really, REALLY fucking stupid thing about a week ago. She got totally shit-face, got in her car with her 6 year old son and tried to drive home. Dumb-ass. That's right. She nearly (yes nearly) killed herself and her son. We know who you are. We love you. We feel terrible for you. You are one of the most un-selfish people that I know. I would never hesitate to aid you in any way. I care for you. I hope I will know you for many years to come. However, what you did was a really stupid thing. If you do it again, I will have to seriously re-evaluate my friendship with you.

She is lying in a hospital bed as I type this. She has had blood transfusions, surgery on her leg ( the femur was broken in 20+ places - now she has a titanium 'bone') her ankles were both broken, her jaw was smashed so she had to get sewn up. She had a nasty bump on the head , which resulted in a brain bleed. I personally think this girl is lucky to be alive. Her son was in a kid car seat so he had just bumps and bruises. I can see that her husband is devastated by this. He is a very quiet guy, but I can see the pain and hurt in his face. His sister (husband's) is deeply hurt too. I can clearly see she is in immense pain. The gal in the hospital bed, her physical pain is probably overwhelming at this point, but the emotional pain of what she feels will probably never go away. Why did she do this? I don't know. I can't get into her head. I know she hurts and I know she has been in turmoil for quite some time. Maybe this is a huge cry for help. I don't know. My expertise is in artificial intelligence, not the kind that Mother Nature created.

So, my heart goes out to her. I feel for her. I cry for her. I pity her. I sympathise for her.

However, this is a huge purple elephant that no one should ignore.

Please - get help. You may not be so lucky next time.


Glen M