Monday, August 31, 2015

Society is Broken - and I cannot fix it.

I have been called negative, cynical, a downer, a crybaby, a girly-man, and a male version of a bitch. I agree with all of those adjectives - every one.

However, for every story, there is a back-story. No one is born crazy, rude, miserable, psychotic, or fucked up. We BECOME this way. Is it nature or nurture? I don't know.

Some infamous criminals:
  1. Jeffery Dhamer - number one all fucked-up as far as I am concerned. He preyed on young men and cannibalized them because he never wanted to part with them. His justification was that he wanted to keep them forever. His roots were common - alcoholic and abusive parents, broken home, did time in the military. How many people do you know like that (I am holding up my hand)
  2. Clifford Olson - brutally assaulted his victims and sent the audio recordings to the family. Seems like he was just a bad-ass growing up. Not really family problems, just regular stuff. Petty crime, then more serious crimes, then brutal murders.
  3. David Russell Williams - liked girls undies but somehow turned to killing
Maybe these are a little extreme. What I want to vent about is not killers or rapists, it is about the general populous. The neighbour, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. People. I guess perhaps I set my standards too high or maybe I just expect more. I know I am not perfect, and I have my days where I could easily fall into the category of 'fucking asshole' or 'dickhead' - however, I try my best to practice the " unto others..." philosophy.

So, why are we so angry? Well, I have a theory:

I'm driving on the highway, I find my exit and I try to move over. However, the Tony Stewart Wannabe cuts me off, or speeds up so that I almost miss my exit. I get frustrated. I have a shitty-on. I get off the highway, go to turn and someone is trying to enter from an intersection. I see them and think "..screw you...wait..." They try to get in but I won't let them and I lean on my horn. Now, they are angry - the cycle continues.

After this happens to you enough times, you become cynical and hardened. You expect it. You stop using your manners and continue to get angry. Then, you arrive at your destination and you are still angry. It's a doctor's office. You are on time for your appointment, but they are 'running late' - you get more angry and you take it out on the poor minimum wage gal behind the counter. She is now angry. Her kid calls her with a simple request, and she bites their head off. Now the kid is angry. The kid posts an angry comment on Facebook or Twitter, and the kid that they post it about gets see how things manifest?

So, how about if we all slow down and just chill. Ignore the fucker that cuts you off. Stop getting angry over shit you have no control of. Most importantly - lower your expectations. That way, when something good happens, you are pleasantly surprised!
