“Stupid is as stupid does.” Essentially, it's a proverb that highlights the importance of behavior as a measure of character.(What Does “Stupid Is as Stupid Does” Mean?, n.d.)
As of late, I have discovered an essay written by a man by the name of Carlo M. Cipolla called The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity. (Carlo M. Cipolla - Wikipedia contributors, 2025)
One of them comes to mind when learning of recent events. The event when a certain Eastern European leader visited Washington DC. It made me think of a bunch of schoolyard bullies inviting the new kid so they can all pick on him and make themselves feel powerful. How do I know that? I have been on the receiving end of such things. Mind you that was 40-some years ago for me.
Law number 4:
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.(Carlo M. Cipolla - Wikipedia contributors, 2025)
This European man went to Washington because he was invited. He, unfortunately, forgot about Cipolla’s above law.
I’m not saying this man is stupid. I’m saying this man has impeccable manners and is getting a really, really shitty and raw deal. All those other two fucking assholes want to do is try to make him look bad.
So, he underestimated the stupidity he was about to endure. However, he kept to the high road and if he was getting upset, he certainly contained himself very, very well.
I love the USA. I really do. There are some really, really good things here. I’m not going to say that any other country is better because it is all a matter of perspective. American people are good people. Yes, there are arseholes. Of course there are. It is human nature to be a dickhead. I can certainly be one. However, certain individuals that work in Washington DC are giant sized, cruel, mean, vile, bitter, hating, bigoted fucking assholes. Nope, I’m not going to mention any names, because I’ll be bringing too much attention to myself. I don’t need some fucking lunatic tossing a Maltov Cocktail at my car or home. Even though firearm ownership in my State is easier than buying weed or cigarettes, conceal carry is legal here. So, you never know what will be coming at you.
Keep strong folks.
What does “stupid is as stupid does” mean? (n.d.). AmazingTalker. https://en.amazingtalker.com/questions/1468
(What Does “Stupid Is as Stupid Does” Mean?, n.d.)
Wikipedia contributors. (2025, January 28). Carlo M. Cipolla. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlo_M._Cipolla
(Carlo M. Cipolla - Wikipedia contributors, 2025)