Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Have you heard? Have you heard that the ‘Bird Is The Word’.

Have you heard? Have you heard that the ‘Bird Is The Word’.
“...ooompa maw, maw, ommpa maw, maw...”

So, Seth ‘Peter Griffin/Stewie/Stan Smith’ McFarlane hosted the Oscars this year.
I did not watch them, personally, because I don’t give a fuck. I could care less what these over-paid crybaby spoiled-rotten self-made Demi-Gods that are movie stars are doing. However, since Seth McFarlane was hosting, I am sorry now that I didn't watch. I am sure if I searched enough, I would find it on the web someplace.

However, I have been seeing buzz in social media about his ‘offensive, degrading and tasteless quips’ from the show. Hmmmm.... now I’m interested.

This is a guy who has three animated series, of which I watch all of. They come with the most twisted, vile, tasteless and disgusting humor that I wish I had thought of first. ( I wonder what *doesn't* make it past the censors - that I would like to see) This is a guy who makes humor out of pedophiles, incest, disabled people, homosexuals, bestiality
any sexual act you can dream up, any religion you can think of, any nationality you can think of and any celebrity - no holds barred . Including digging up dirt on them that I did not know (I stop to search and he *always* turns out to be accurate). So, he made a really, really tasteless joke saying that “...no one was able to get into Lincoln’s head except John Wilkes Boothe..” Guess what? Send me to Hell, but I thought it was funny. Yes, I laughed. Lighten up, people. It’s a joke. No one that knew Abe Lincoln is still alive. He was shot in the head. It happened. I can only imagine if he made a joke about Ronald Reagan being shot. Holy shit! The O”Reillys/Coulters/Becks/Limbaughs would have had a field day with that.

Well, it was tasteless and crude. However, what did you expect from a guy who received almost 180k complaints to the FCC in March 2009.


Did you really think his monologues were going to be anything less than ‘offensive’. Come on, people!  This is like a guy who watches a Kevin Smith movie and says there was too much foul language in it. This is a guy who has made fun of Michael J Fox and his Parkinson’s Disease *twice*. My father has Parkinson’s and he laughed at it. This is a guy who portrays a neighborhood child molester who wanders around in a bathrobe and offers the kids ‘ Popsicles and quarters’.

I am not a psychology expert, would not pretend to be and have never had any formal training. I work in software and internet tech. However, a colleague of mine, who immigrated from the former USSR (it was probably the Russian Federation, come to think of it, unless he defected) said something to be one day : “...human beings are such complex creatures...you can never know what to expect, it seems...”. Now, I regard this guy as brilliant and he is. He grew up without MTV,  Pac-Man, or the Atari 2600, unlike  like the rest of us. So, he probably read books and newspapers to keep entertained. I think that makes him more observant and aware than most that don’t even know their own basic history or geography. I agree with him. However, I will take it one step further. I think we live in a time now, where for some reason or another, people have this need to feel offended and then the need to let others know how offended they really are. Perhaps we did not get enough attention from our mothers while we were growing up (present company included) and this is our way - we *need* to be attention sluts and/or whores. I take the point of view that I am going to be annoyed by things. However, what good will it do to cause trouble, just because I don’t like something that someone said.

In closing, I think that if people learned to laugh about things more and complain less, the world in general would be happier place to live.

Laugh more, bitch less.

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