Thursday, June 21, 2018

Pass me the peashooter...

So, it seems that we have an opioid crisis in this State - The State of New Hampshire, or ‘Drug Infested Den’ as our President calls it.

Well, I never studied Economics, or Political Science or Medicine - so, keep in mind that everything that I say here is just observation and/or opinion.

I’ve lived in the USA for quite some time now, and like every other Democracy, it’s not without its problems. I think that there is too a big a separating gap between the Haves and Have Nots. Poverty. Also, another huge problem is health (or disease) care. It’s expensive, its done piecemeal most of the time, its done on the cheap to ‘regulate costs’, and worst of all - the main reason why I think that the whole health industry in the USA should be torn down, completely demolished, is that it is a for profit industry. So, that means that some Evil Rich White Man In A Suit decides whether you live or you die. They put a price on your well being. Some things may be legal, but that doesn’t make them right. Yes, I have an idea to replace the health care/disease care industry in the USA, but I won’t go into it here - at least not fully.

I came home in my new(er) SUV the other day, radio on, A/C on and backed into my driveway. As we drove up to the house, I noticed a man sitting on the pavement in front of my house. My first thought was “ stoned that he can’t move…” He didn’t have that blank look on his face, he looked like he was struggling or suffering. I walked over to him and asked him what happened. He told me that his knee gave out while he was walking. It was quite hot outdoors, he was sweating. One of his knees looked very swollen and was poking outward. I’m not a doctor but this guy was in pain. We talked for a bit and I eventually called 911 for him and waited for the paramedics to show up. They eventually got him into the ambulance and took him to, what I assume, is the emergency room.  While talking to this guy, I could tell that he was probably under the influence of some medication. He was coherent, so I don’t think he was a heroin or IV drug user. Didn’t smell like booze, didn’t look ‘starving’ - he was scrawny but had a stomach like the rest of us. I’m thinking that this guy has a bad knee injury, probably on some sort of disability, and wanted to get out of the house because it was too damn hot. Probably on his way to the store for a drink or something to eat.

So, what does this have to do with my air conditioned SUV or a healthcare crisis? Well, I want to say first that I am glad that I can afford health insurance through my employer and I can afford a decent car to go to the store. I don’t have to walk everywhere.  That’s the first thing. Now, the healthcare crisis. Read on…

So, here is what I’m thinking. This man, has a wrecked knee. He is on some sort of disability and therefore probably on Medicare. So, his doctor, gives him painkillers, which are relatively inexpensive :

This happens every month so, if you look at the costs, we can average of $18 bucks/month. So, about $216/year that the Government/taxpayer has to shell out. However, think about this. After a while, we build a tolerance to these things. They need to get stronger and stronger for the same effect. So, when the over the counter shit doesn’t work anymore, what do you do? Try to get stronger shit. Enter the street drugs. InAGaddaDaVida. You take this shit just to function, and then you get a bad hit - overdose, maybe even death, or if you survive, brain damage - if you’re lucky, the EMTs reach you in time to revive you.

Now, the next bright idea. Why not fix the problem in the first place? Well, I’ll tell you why. M-O-N-E-Y. That’s right, it’s expensive to fix. I did a little research about knees. I’m not a doctor, but this is an example.

Reading this, surgery costs up to $9000.00 - Big Bux. So, the Government Suits at Medicaid (which are ALMOST as bad as Rich White Men In Suits) see that and go “...holy SHIT...we can’t justify that….painkillers…!!!”  They keep on giving painkillers, until the above happens. Addiction. Stronger shit. Even stronger shit. Possible overdose. Possible death. Possible coma. Possible brain damage.

See my point? If this guy got the knee surgery in the first place, he would not have wound up at the end of my driveway. If all of the other ‘addicts’ in our Drug Infested Den would get their knee surgery, or back surgery, or foot surgery….you get the idea. Yes, up front costs are higher, but then after recovery, we don’t have a bunch of addicts running around looking for a fix.  

Opioid crisis. I’m not saying that it’s the Government’s fault. I’m not saying that it’s the healthcare industry’s fault. I’m not saying anything of the sort. However, if we realized that putting a band-aid on a severed artery is only going to stop the bleeding. It’s not going to fix the cut.

Problem? We are hunting Super Carriers with a peashooter.


Dose Pharmacy said...
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