Friday, July 10, 2020

Cut the shit - all of you!

It makes me a little sad that there are 3 things that are dividing the country at the moment:
1. The current Administration
2. Black Lives Matter
3. COVID-19

You would think that the people would step up and come up with sensible solutions, and act like adults, instead of Middle School children.

I am not an infectious disease expert, so I cannot really comment on COVID-19. However, I think of history repeating itself. I'm thinking of the Swine Flu of almost a century ago. Why do we get so angry about a microscopic enemy that we know fuck-all about and kills some people? Why do we get angry about it? This virus doesn't care which way you swing, what colour your skin is, how old you are or what type of coffee you drink or how many times that you shit in a day. It just wants to reproduce. In it's wake, it's killing people. I will have to look at the numbers, but it has killed more than the seasonal flu. Again, I didn't research that, so don't flame me because of that. I, for one, am being cautious. I don't know if it will kill me or not, but I don't think it's a scam. I think it is something to be concerned about.

Black Lives Matter - why are we fighting over this? Why are we taking this to the N-th degree and tearing shit down? Keep in mind, folks, that the White House, the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument were ALL built using slave labour. Yes - look it up. No one is calling to tear that shit down, are they? Double Standards.

(note - I think that tearing things down will not solve anything - what's next? A dystopian society like Fahrenheit 451 where we burn all the books too??)

A bully cop killed a Black dude. Was it racially driven? I don't know. I wasn't there. I never met either of them. However, someone somewhere decided to turn this into a fucking Crusade. I think that cop killing George Floyd was because the cop is an asshole, not a racist. No crime being an asshole - I am an asshole most of the time. However, I don't beat people up. I don't have the authority to do what that cop did. He got carried away. He fucked up. He killed Floyd. I don't think it had anything to do with the colour of his skin.

The Government - some of you hate it, some of you love it, some of you don't care. What really bugs me is the pettiness that I see. I just saw a thread on Facebook where people were calling Joe Biden a pedophile. The question I ask is why? As far as I know, he does not pursue young girls or boys. Not that I'm taking sides, and this doesn't make him guilty by association, but the President used to run with Jeff Epstein back in the day. Again, doesn't prove anything, but still - that sounds like a classic case of "..I know you are, but what am I...?" Sounds like something I used to say when I was 7 or 8 years old.

So, instead of acting like a 3 year old, try acting like an adult. Maybe you will accomplish something good. When you slag someone, you just make them feel bad. I know I feel bad when someone insults me because of my point of view. Just because we disagree, doesn't mean that we can't debate. If I disagree with you, so be it. Let's just deal with it.

We The People....right?

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