Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obsessed with body image - what about if we became obsessed with 'mind image'

Well, I was checking tweets, Facebook post and other various methods of bullshit flying around the net and I came across this:>

It kind of irritates me that 'Maxim' and 'FHM' have these columns called 'Fatty of The Month' and I hear Frat-Boy types say "NO FAT CHICKS!" and have it printed on their garb.

Personally, if I were a single guy, looking for a gal, I would LOVE to see a photo like this. Not only is this a real person, but at least I know that if I took her out to a restaurant or cooked her dinner, she would probably eat it. If I brought her chocolates, she would love me forever. If after a movie or show, I said "...hey, I am hungry, let's get snacks..." I would be able to share an order of 7-11 nachos with that wonderful artificial jalapeno cheese sauce on them - uff!

There is something to be said about a gal that is carrying a few extra pounds on her. Every chubby girl that I know ( and I use the term chubby with much love and kindness) has a wonderful personality, friendly and caring, appreciates all the nice things you do, expects nothing, are the kindest, best manners, and are eager to be good to you. I know that there are younger folks on here, but all of the larger/plus-size gals in my life have also been the absolute best when it came to, shall I say, 'being intimate' - wow - unforgettable.

So, I am going to start a new trend. I am going to become obsessed with 'mind image' So, if I meet this chicky-poo that looks like she just stepped off of a catwalk in Milan, and she is a total spoiled high-maintenance bitch that thinks I should kiss her arse because of the way she looks, then, okay - all skinny, attractive girls are bitches and I want nothing to do with them. I will don my hat/t-shirt/ bumper sticker that says "NO SKINNY CHICKS!!!" and in my magazine I will have a column that is entitled "Skeletor Bitch Of The Month" . I will open a club that when a skinny starving Kate-Moss-Circa-Middle-'90s wanders in , I will gather all my buddies together to say " she couldn't eat a raisin....ha..if she swallowed an orange whole, 100 guys would leave town....ha....skinny-bitch,, have a hamburger so you have the energy to walk over to the bar to order your drink...ha....let's lock her in the bathroom - in 10 minutes she will die of starvation...ha...stand back everyone...she looks like she is gonna PURGE....!!!!"

So, just because a girl is overweight, that doesn't mean that she is not a wonderful person? I can list at least 5 women right this second, that are clearly overweight and I just love hanging out with them. Why? Because it makes me happy to be around them - why? They are pleasant, polite and just all-around nice and warm and fuzzy.

So, before the next Frat Boy giggles at the pudgy gal or the next asshole is wearing a 'NO FAT CHICKS!' t-shirt/hat, think about how much you are hurting someone. Think about what it would feel like to be humiliated, stripped of your pride and your self-esteem shattered in a million pieces at your feet.

Sir-Mix-A-Lot "...I like big butts and I cannot lie...other brothers can't deny..."

Queen "..fat bottomed girls, make the rockin' world go 'round'..."

Spinal Tap "...Big bottom, big bottom
Talk about bum cakes, my girl's got 'em
Big bottom drive me out of my mind
How could I leave this behind?...."

Peace all - Glen

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